Cancellation of criminal and police records

Cancellation of criminal and police records

Nuestros abogados expertos en extranjería e inmigración podrán ayudarte

Description of the service


Those condemned to a final judgement, and that have extinguished their penal responsibility, have the right to request to the Ministerio de Justicia, or to the Police Station, the cancellation of the criminal or police record, being the Judge or the Tribunal that has issued the sentence previously informed. Our expert immigration lawyer of Tolentino Abogados can help you to obtain the above mentioned cancellation.

  1. Do you want to know whether you have any criminal records?
  2. Are police and criminal records the same thing?
  3. When will you be able to request for the cancellation?
  4. Does it affect your application to obtain the citizenship
  5. How can you cancel them?
  6. Do you know the procedure?

Our experts can answer all these questions.

In order to fully learn about your right of cancellation it is necessary, other than the extinction of the penal responsibility, the fulfillment of certain requirements, as per law.

Obey the condemn give you the right to request the cancellation of criminal records. This is very important for the foreigners living in Spain, given the fact that whether you are processing your citizenship or your permit of residence in Spain, firstly you have to require the cancellation of criminal police records, otherwise you will see you application denied.

Pasos a seguir


When can you ask for the cancellation of your criminal records?

  1. You will have had to complied with the civil charges implied with the sanction, except in the case of insolvency declared by a Judge or Tribunal, and unless the accused proves an economic improvement
  2. When the accused does not commit any other crime within the period of time established for each sanction, as following:
  • Six months for minor crimes
  • Two years for those crimes not exceeding 12 months of sanction and those so called of “reckless behaviour”
  • Three years for minor levy crimes with a sanction inferior of three years
  • Five years for minor levy crimes with a sanction equal or superior to three years
  • Ten years for levy crimes
  1. The calculation of those periods of time will be interrupted in case of committee of new crimes in the course
  2. Therefore, the cancellation of the criminal records will be produced once the civil and penal responsibilities will be extinguished without the committee of new crimes in the course of the deadlines established for each crime, as per law.

What it is included:

Our expert lawyers of Tolentino Abogados can help you in this complex bureaucratic process for the request of cancellation of your criminal and police records.

We will verify the judicial sentence until the cancellation can be seeked.

What does not include:

Our service does not comprise the assistance in Spanish Consulates. We personally assist within our Firm located in Madrid, Spain, and in Santo Domingo City, Dominican Republic.

With regard to other matters, we provide legal aid online.

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Un abogado especializado y experto en extranjería e inmigración, le informará sobre cómo solucionar su problema. Para asesoramiento más amplio, podemos atenderle por Skype o en nuestro despacho en Madrid. Solicite cita previa llamando al +34 918 272 222.

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